RE-Acti-ON: Engaging, connecting and empowering young people on social networks against hate speech
Dati generali
Titolo: RE-Acti-ON: Engaging, connecting and empowering young people on social networks against hate speech
Acronimo: RE-Acti-ON
Durata: 2 anni, 15 Gennaio 2020 – 31 Dicembre 2021
Ruolo di APICE: Partner locale che si occuperà di contribuire alla ricerca, supporto allo sviluppo delle IO, all’evaluation, dissiminazione dei risultati

The discourse of hatred and radicalization is a global phenomenon that significantly affects Spain and other European countries. Although the situation is not new, it is a growing phenomenon, aggravated by the global economic crisis and the tense political discourse that takes advantage of the hateful speeches and feeds Euro skeptics. The role of young people in the fight against these trends in Spain, and in Europe is key. Activating a youth discourse, based on its cultural codes and communicative resources through social networks, will allow the message will reach other young people, promoting a “contagion” in taking action to counteract manifestations of hatred and intolerance.
The project “RE-Acti-ON: Engaging, connecting and empowering young people through transnational activism network against hate speech” has as its main objective to promote the generation and promotion of a network of young activists of a transnational character in the fight against discourse of hatred and limitations to social and civic participation. To this end, it will foster cooperation and collaborative work among European social entities, through its expertise and good practices, and will design, test and consolidate an innovative training methodology that facilitates the empowerment and participation of young people.
The project is connected with three relevant priorities in the field of youth in Europe and with two key strategic documents. In relation to the priorities, the project addresses the following in its development:
-Engaging, connecting and empowering young people
-Promote the quality, innovation and recognition of youth workers.
-Facilitate social inclusion by preventing attitudes and behaviors of discrimination, segregation and racism and promoting an inclusive society.
The project is linked and gives impetus to two European documents of an important strategic nature: the strategy for the Youth of the EU 2019-2027 and its mission to Commit, Connect and Empower young people, and the study “Shrinking space for civil society: The EU response “(April 2017) of the D. G for foreign policies of the European Parliament that establishes a series of measures to combat the tendency of repression of civil and individual liberties throughout Europe.
The project will have a total of 718 beneficiaries, 118 of them are direct beneficiaries:
15 Youth workers from 5 countries and 5 different entities will be direct beneficiaries of the training in the specific RE-Acti-ON training package methodology.
100 young people will be beneficiaries of the training Labs developed in each partner country (5 countries, 20 young people per country). It will be promoted that part of the young participants belong to groups susceptible to suffer discrimination or be object of hate speech or even that has suffered its effects personally, in their family or community environment. The methodology learned will be replicable with other young people linked to the partner entities, so its multiplier effect will significantly increase its impact.
The expected results during the implementation and once the project is completed are the following:
R1 Designed and generated a new training methodology for young cyberactivists against hate speech and an orientation toolkit that structures the training and serves as a guide to the future trainers of the labs. 10 participants from 5 organizations from 5 different countries (Macedonia, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Jordan, and Spain) design and generate this methodology for the project.
R2. 15 youth workers are trained in pedagogical tools, against narratives of hate speech and in tools of activism and cyberactivism, through a training of trainers.
R3 5 Laboratories of activism for young people against hate speech in 5 different countries.
R4 100 young people from 6 countries improve their skills, initiative and empowerment for civic and social participation against hate speech, from content (counter-narratives) and methodologies, centered on digital communication platforms and social networks (cyber-activism) through the Labs of activism.
R5 Generated a total of 5 mini-campaigns of activism against hate speech with a national and transnational focus, by young people from 5 different countries, product of each training action developed in each country (learning by doing approach).
R6 Strengthened the capacity of the participating civic organizations, through the exchange of good practices and the experience of developing a joint project nurtured by the multiple experiences.
All the knowledge and products generated by the project will be freely accessible to any entity, group or association, in order to replicate the materials and contents, ensuring their replicability and long-term impact.
Discover more about the project partners:
Jovenes hacia la solidaridad y el desarrollo (Lead association):
Center for intercultural dialogue association:
Leaders of Tomorrow:
Jeunes europeens federalistes aisbl: